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eMotion LV1 Tutorial 5.1: Show Window – Sessions

Feb 27, 2017 | 3,578 Views

Learn how to load and save session templates and mixer configurations for concerts, events, or series of events in the eMotion LV1 live mixing console.

The Show window is the mixer’s file management section. It’s used to manage settings for entire sessions, and for snapshots.

The Show window is divided into three pages, based on its three functions:

  • Sessions
  • Scenes
  • Recall Safe

In this lesson, you’ll learn about the Sessions page. A session includes everything about the mixer’s configuration: Inventory, routing, processor settings, aux sends, preferences; everything. Think of a session as the setup for a complete concert or event, or even a series of events.

On the left side is the SESSIONS list. This shows all the sessions that have been created in, or imported to, the mixer. To load one of these sessions, you first need to click on a session to select it. Then click LOAD.

If a session you want to load is not in the Session list, click OPEN and navigate to the file. Once loaded, the session will be added to the Sessions list.

A selected Session is always highlighted blue, whether it’s the currently loaded session or not. If the loaded session is not the selected session, the loaded one will be highlighted green.

Use the SAVE button to save all current mixer settings. This writes over the currently loaded session file.

SAVE AS creates a copy of the currently loaded session. Name the file and it appears in the Sessions list.

CLEAR removes all sessions from the Sessions List. It does not delete the sessions.

Sessions can be saved anywhere, but a centralized Sessions folder is provided for convenience and order.

The HISTORY button opens a list of auto-saved sessions. These files are named by session name followed by a timestamp. Navigate to a history file and then open the session.

Auto-save preferences are set in the Mixer Settings page. Here you can control the frequency of automatic saving. Activate ‘ON SCENE UPDATE’ to autosave when the scene is stored or recalled.

Session files and History files cannot be deleted from within the Mixer interface. Use the host computer’s operating system to do this. Consult the eMotion LV1 User Guide for the locations of all mixer files.

A TEMPLATE is a session that’s based on a previous session or a factory preset. It loads all mixer parameters except the I/O inventory. This makes it easy to move between eMotion LV1 mixer systems whose inventories are not identical.

In lesson 5.2, you’ll learn what to do when the session you’re loading is calling for I/Os that aren’t available.

Save the current session as a template using the SAVE button at the bottom of the page. To load a template, click LOAD, and then navigate to the desired template file. Its settings will load.

Click SAVE AS to create a session from this template and add it to the Sessions list.

You can add NOTES about the session.

File DETAILS, including the session name, are seen here.

You can also save and load sessions and templates from the Preset menu. This is accessible from all Mixer views.

The name of the current session appears in the middle of the Preset menu. Learn more about the Preset menu in lesson 3.2.

One thing to keep in mind: Loading a session may require the mixer to change external patching or plugin rack structure. This can result in a short mute.

Scenes, on the other hand, are snapshots that can be recalled at any time. We’ll talk about scenes in lesson 5.3.

If the session you’re loading was created on a system with a server that’s different than the current one, you may need to adjust the system’s processing settings.

In this tutorial, you learned how to use the Sessions page to save and load sessions and templates.

In the next video, you’ll see what to do if the session you want to load doesn’t match the existing system inventory.
