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eMotion LV1 Tutorial 4.11: Mixer Window – Master Fader

Mar 01, 2017 | 4,314 Views

Learn how to control the main outputs using the master fader section of the mixer window in the eMotion LV1 live mixing console.

The eMotion LV1 Master Fader panel is a straightforward main mix section.

The Master Fader has a range of -144 dB to +10 dB. When the fader is touched, its position is shown in yellow.

Choose between input- or output- meter view in the U/I Settings page. Select pre-or post-fader metering.

The Master Buss Selector buttons determine which mix buss is currently controlled by the master fader: L/R, (Left/Right), C, (Center), or M, (Mono).

The selected buss is mapped to the Master Fader and its name is displayed in the button above.

The Master Output Meter indicates the peak level of the selected main buss.

The Peak/Clip indicator shows the peak level of the selected main mix. When the peak level of either input or output signal exceeds the specified clip threshold setting, the value box is red. The clip threshold can be set below zero to provide a warning before the buss actually clips.

Peak, clip, and hold behavior are set in the User Interface Settings page.

The Master Fader Mute button mutes the selected master buss. When muted manually it’s steady-red. It flashes when controlled by a mute group or Link.

The main buss cue button: 🎧 activates the send to the Cue or Solo buss for monitoring the master channel. Clear all instances with the CLEAR SOLO button on the Top Bar.

When sending channels or groups to aux busses, you can ‘flip’ the mixer so that the channel faders control the AUX/EFX, (AUX/Effects) or AUX/MON, (AUX/Monitor) send controls. This is the ‘Sends on Faders’ mode.

In this mode the Master Fader controls the level of the aux channel. The name of the channel is shown above.

To return the mixer to its normal operation mode, click on the button, or on the aux send name on the left side of the modes section.

To learn more about working in the Sends on Faders mode, watch lessons 3.6 (Channel Aux Sends), and 4.9 (Aux Channel Mode).

As you’ve seen, the eMotion LV1 master fader section does just what you expect it to do: It controls the main outputs. Use the Patch window to route these outputs to I/Os.

In the next video, we’ll look at the various utility functions in the LV1 Mixer window.
